Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gym Rules

Below is a list of general Rules and 'fees'[f] for failure in following those rules.

Payment is required immediately after the offense, following the workout or when in Gym next for those needing to leave straight away.

There's Coaches discretion in applying the 'Fees'[f].

  1. Cheating reps. This is a serious offense as it corrupts your data, f=50 Burpees
  2. Don't be late, f=30 Burpees
  3. Clean Chalk marks from floor, f=30 Burpess
  4. Clean your DNA off any equipment, f=30 Burpees
  5. Chalk/Dust your hands in the bucket, f=20 Burpees
  6. Don't use excess Chalk, it doesn't make you magically stronger, f=20 Burpees
  7. Return all gear/equipment to where it belongs, not where you found it, f=20 Burpees
  8. Not cheering on class mate[s] to finish, f=20 Burpees
  9. Collapsing in front of the fans, f=20 Burpees
  10. Dropping an empty bar, f=20 Burpees

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